2020 Year in Review
2020 was quite a year, wasn’t it? Last year’s roller coaster both thrilled and nauseated me, and at different times made me happy, sad, depressed, confused, excited, fulfilled, overjoyed, and despaired. Is that enough adjectives? Those will have to do, because 2020 brought on so many different emotions that my vocabulary is not large enough to describe it.
Hosting Trivia Night Using Kahoot and Zoom
One way that I’ve been able to stay connected with family during the quarantine is by hosting a semi-regular trivia night. It’s been a lot of fun so I thought I’d share my setup. Kahoot To facilitate the trivia part of trivia night, I use Kahoot. Kahoot is a platform for hosting games with questions.
What I've Been Reading During the Pandemic
Reading is one of my favorite pastimes, and the pandemic hasn’t stopped my appetite for books. I have, however, steered clear of anything dystopian or post-apocalyptic, because who wants to read about that at a time like this! Instead, I’ve taken in the rare historical fiction novel along with the usual sci-fi and mystery/thriller books.
Continuous Deployment Via FTP For Hugo Using GitHub Actions
After I migrated my website to Hugo, I needed a way to deploy the site to my host without manually FTPing files every time I make change. Netlify has support for static site hosting and continuous deployment, but I wasn’t looking to switch hosts. Previously I used AppVeyor to deploy, but this time I decided to use GitHub Actions to automate building and deploying the site whenever I push changes to master.