Tagged "code"

Continuous Deployment Via FTP For Hugo Using GitHub Actions

After I migrated my website to Hugo, I needed a way to deploy the site to my host without manually FTPing files every time I make change. Netlify has support for static site hosting and continuous deployment, but I wasn’t looking to switch hosts. Previously I used AppVeyor to deploy, but this time I decided to use GitHub Actions to automate building and deploying the site whenever I push changes to master.

Unpopular Positive Opinion Challenge

From xkcd.com: Challenge accepted, Randall! I use Trakt to keep track and rate all of the movies I watch. Fortunately, Trakt provides an API so that I can programmatically retrieve all of my ratings. The OMDb API includes Rotten Tomatoes ratings, so I was able write a small C# console application to compare my ratings of 8 or greater to Rotten Tomatoes.