Tagged "year-in-review"

2023 Year in Review

It’s been far too long since I’ve done a personal year in review. Let’s take a look back at what I read, listened to, and watched in 2023. Reading I read forty-three books in 2023! That’s a total of 13,759 pages, with an average book length of 320 pages. The shortest book was 21 pages (Clap Back, by Nalo Hopkinson), while the longest book was 608 pages (Death’s End, by Cixin Liu).

2020 Year in Review

2020 was quite a year, wasn’t it? Last year’s roller coaster both thrilled and nauseated me, and at different times made me happy, sad, depressed, confused, excited, fulfilled, overjoyed, and despaired. Is that enough adjectives? Those will have to do, because 2020 brought on so many different emotions that my vocabulary is not large enough to describe it.

2019 Music Year in Review

Music was a bit of a mixed bag for me in 2019. I listened to less music than usual because my commute was reduced drastically, so I had less time to check out new music and rediscover old favorites. However, music brought me one of proudest moments of the year when my daughter randomly said to me, “I need to listen to more Rapsody.

2019 Reading Year in Review

2019 was quite a year of reading for me. I easily completed my Goodreads Reading Challenge by reading 34 books, which beat my previous record of 33 books in 2018. The Books All the books I read in 2019, in order of date read: Nomad, Matthew Mather Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Batman: Nightwalker, Marie Lu Sanctuary, Matthew Mather The Underground Railroad, Colson Whitehead Way Station, Clifford D.